Bidding Prayers: International Women’s Day

Written by Pat Murphy for the Archdiocese of Liverpool

During the week of International Women’s day, let us come together to pray for all women on this beautiful planet. Let each man understand the worth and value of the women in their lives’. May each women realise how precious they are in the eyes of the Lord and the joy they bring to their families and loved ones.

Lord in your mercy……….

We pray for all women, especially those who are oppressed by their countries regiment where they cannot practise their religion. We also remember those women who are in war torn countries of the world, may the Lord protect them and keep them safe.

Lord in your mercy………….

We pray for all women who hold positions of leadership and power within the church that their work will help empower all those influenced by their ministry, to know their full dignity and value.

Lord in your mercy……….

God of life we give thanks for the women among us today who serve with a sense of holy purpose in their vocation as women, daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers. Empower us by faith and bless our vocations in our voluntary work, our employment, at home and in the church. Inspire is to encourage one another in fellowship, laughter, hospitality and sharing

Lord in your mercy…………….