42 events found.
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WDP: I made you wonderful
This year’s programme is written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of the Cook Islands. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Marvellous are Your works,And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14 Our sisters from the Cook Islands have spent the last few years deepening into the theme: “I […]
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The Eucharist as Sacrifice
The Eucharist as Sacrifice
The National Board of Catholic Women invites you to: The Eucharist as Sacrifice Saturday 15th March11am – 12.30pm Fresh from leading retreats on the Eucharist in Glasgow and Derbyshire, the NBCW is honoured to invite theologian, teacher and retreat leader Mary Robinson to speak and lead a discussion on the Eucharist, the Mass, as sacrifice. […]