7 events found.
Young Female Theologians: ‘Hope’
Hope – Regensburger talk January 2024 A talk by Pia Regensburger Mia is currently studying for a Masters of Philosophy, Theology at Oxford University See more about Pia via this link: (8) Pia Regensburger | LinkedIn
Inspiring women: Words of wisdom from Avril Baigent
Avril works in Northampton diocese in pastoral development and currently heads up the national ‘School for Synodality’ To find out more about here click this link: (8) Avril Baigent | LinkedIn
Women in the life and mission of the Catholic Church in the world: on the Synodal path
A special Lenten event The participants at the Assembly of the Synod on Synodalityin Rome last October recognised that “in Christ, women andmen are clothed with the same baptismal dignity (Gal 3:28) andreceive equally the variety of gifts of the Spirit.” They said it was“urgent to ensure that women can participate in decision-makingprocesses and assume […]
The VAWG committee together with CSAN DA Alliance is hosting a webinar
Tuesday 12th March, 11am – 12.30pm The event will host the Catholic launch of the Faith and VAWG Coalition’s guidance for Faith leaders and we will be hearing from our very own Sara Kirkpatrick on that subject. It will also launch a new resource of Safe in Faith, a DA Signposting Toolkit for Churches. Clergy […]
INSPIRING WOMEN: Women and Synodality
The National Board of Catholic Women invites you to a webinar, organised by the Women in the Church Committee. Avril Baigent and Helen Burgess Avril is the pastoral ministry advisor and synod co-lead for the Diocese of Northampton. She is also a doctoral student at Durham University, developing the notion of Lived Catholicism and exploring […]
Written and introduced by the women of the NBCW, these original Stations of the Cross will enable those present to meditate on the suffering of Christ as he is present in the lives of women throughout the world. The counties represented in the prayers include Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Mexico, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Indigenous peoples, […]
NBCW Book Club
Please join the NBCW Book club as we discuss the last chapter of “Women: Icons of Christ” by Phyllis Zagano. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81046087147?pwd=U3RjZmJ0YU1nRUgwRTkvUUs5c2VUUT09 Meeting ID: 810 4608 7147Passcode: 639016