Prayer for CAFOD during its 60th Year and for the Women who began us: The Catholic Women’s League, The Union of Catholic Mothers and the National Board of Catholic Women […]
A Reflection on Poverty. Psalm 140: “I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.” The fifth World Day of the Poor […]
NBCW Racial Justice Prayer Our Father who art in heavenCreator of all the races in your worldHallowed be thy namePraised and beloved by all your people of whatever colour and […]
Written by: Barbara Cookson, St Aelred’s York (Middlesbrough Diocese) Women of Middlesbrough Diocese, we need to hear you. Do not be afraid to speak up. Many parishes like ours will […]
By Sue Petritz, NBCW Diocesan Link for Arundel and Brighton & Women in the Church Committee One of my Christmas requests was for a copy of Rescued: The Unexpected and […]
As the world faces up to the widespread disruption to life being caused by the coronavirus pandemic, let us ask for God’s help in what lies ahead. Let us pray […]
A report on the Racial Justice webinar of 12 February 2021 by Siobhan Canham, NBCW member In a thought-provoking webinar hosted by NBCW, a panel from the Catholic Associationfor Racial […]
2nd edition 2020 The incidence of Domestic Abuse has risen dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold of the UK in March 2020. This booklet gives practical advice on what […]
Receptive Ecumenism is about learning from and listening to those in other Christian Denominations. This is a report of a research project sponsored by NBCW, delivered in the form of […]
4th Edition 2019 A booklet designed to give information and guidance on the legal process in applying for a Declaration of Nullity. It explains the process, and in clear language […]